Medicine Lodge rodeo

Peace Treaty Rodeos

Friday and Saturday rodeo excitement

September 26 and 27, 2024

The rodeos will be held at the Rodeo Arena at Memorial Peace Park.

Experience two very different rodeo events at this year’s festival! Friday night at the Kansas Championship Ranch Rodeo, watch skilled cowhands compete in events based on the tasks they do on a typical day at the ranch. Saturday night’s Buckapalooza Rodeo will feature rough-stock only events including bull riding, saddle bronc and bareback bronc events! There will be a variety of concessions, a beer garden and retail vendors both nights, as well as a small carnival and other activities for the young and young-at-heart.

Kansas Championship Ranch Rodeo

Friday night at 7:30 p.m.

The Kansas Championship Ranch Rodeo presents working cowboys competing in events such as team penning, stray gathering and wild cow milking. These events are based on ranch activities that are still a part of the modern cowboy’s daily routine. With the cowboy lifestyle becoming increasingly rare, the ranch rodeo is truly a heritage event, showcasing not only human skill but also their incredibly athletic equine counterparts.

Buckapalooza Rodeo

Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.

Delivering action-packed entertainment, top-ranked bucking bulls and broncs will test the skill and stamina of their riders. Following the Buckapalooza Rodeo will be an outdoor dance with live entertainment by the Jack Rowdy Band.

Cowboy Trappings and Trade Show

Get some retail therapy under the rodeo arena pavilion where you can shop for goods offered by saddle makers, bit and spur makers, as well as western decor, clothing, accessories and ranch trade.

The Peace Treaty Rodeo Committee is a committee of the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Association, annually working to build funds for the future of the MLPT.
